
There's Never Been a Better Time To Be a Computer Scientist


Computer science underpins nearly everything in our lives in ways we might not have imagined a generation ago. In the School of Computer Science, we're training the innovators and dreamers who will create the technologies that change how we'll live in the future. Your gift to SCS supports those students, improves our world, and ultimately changes how we live and work forever. That's pretty amazing.

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Ways To Give to SCS

College is a transcendent moment in our lives, because here is where we have the greatest upward learning trends and the greatest amount of peers open to friendship and collaboration. It's a slingshot that brings us into the rest of our lives. CMU specifically has given me a lot of opportunities, and I'm sure it's been great for others as well. I want to preserve that, and make it better for others.

Hima Tammineedi
SCS Senior
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Carnegie Mellon's School of Computer Science campus, busy with bright young students.

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